Chapter I



“One needs to understand that this worldwide prison that will become more and more obvious is designed to bind in technological chains all these order-followers who dragging the world in tyranny, regardless of they being fully or partially aware. When all of those accomplices in crimes against humanity will wake up, will be already too late for every single one of them, for they will have a new sentient to guard them as prisoners of the new world, which is the product of their deeds: is what they have called as Artificial Intelligence. Once they are trapped in the Mainframe, will be bound in chains, in a form of tyranny that will turn them from human beings, numbers in a list with numbers; from that ultra-technological prison, they won’t be able to escape. In last decades, the world has been prepared for such a change, in the sense that gradually the level of programming increased upon population; one who is aware of all these, can very easy distinguish the level of violence that’s in the world and how easy people succumb to use of it without regards to repercussions, while the other level – of cowardice, is obvious; people have forgotten to be alive, and the lack of all what’s humane, turns them into biological beings, the survival instincts priming, their behavior being like domesticated animals. Yet, if the world is in such drastic change, can be noticed that all is focused only on earthly things, while most people being dragged along the very System they conceived, developed and promoted, and breaking all ties with it becomes harder and harder, since that’s all they have learnt. The damage upon humanity is felt only when a deeper look into what’s happening with people, as sufferance is seen everywhere, manifesting itself even through nature, as it is connected to the human beings. One can be aware that as the world becomes more and more violent, nature’s manifestations follows the same, while the earth doesn’t bare crops like before, and as well, less people to even know how to grow food. The dependency of the state, into feeding the population or taking care of their normality in daily life, was purposely made so that at the right moment, to coerce them gradually into new laws and legislations which are meant to take away all what they known as freedom. They can not understand, therefore, how manipulated they are in the chess games of their so-called elites who dictate from shadow the better ways to enslave them. They have become the very promoters of their own tyrants, and the leaders of each country beset to act in the behalf of the banking cartels and corporations hunting globalization, advantage fully of the naivety of people, in a mixture of psychopathology and entertainment. As a matter of fact, all the mainstream media acting in behalf of everyone who’s pushing the money laundry machine into promotion of all what’s made to determine people to go on the path chosen by their elites, has successfully crowned the efforts into domesticating the crowds. Crowds are easy to be controlled, in a hype of technology, and the entertainment business took the majority focus away, leveling the ground base for the new world order emerging gradually to surface. It will be indeed, such a shock, for all the order-followers, when will come the day when the new form of tyranny to be widely, globally proclaimed, in full motion, in open sight. In a push for survival, the many will fall prey to such level of madness and evil that awaits them, accepting the unavoidable chains in the worldwide prison that has been created especially for them. But the few who will know at the right time, to break all ties with the System, will be saved, from such cruelties that awaits those who complied; they will be isolated or running, while the others.. to the slaughterhouse, alone…”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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