Chapter I



“For the order-followers, simple questions are as much dangerous as their programming to social engineering who robbed their mind, their capacity of discernment in parts of Reality needed to activate their humanity, in the sense of allowing them to be more than biological beings, gifted with conscience, who fulfill their purpose on earth. These questions are avoided, as well as answering straight, in most cases, right from the start, for these become dangerous in waking them up to their own voyage into what is good or evil, right or wrong, light or darkness. Such simplicity within questions act like a chord that each time is touched, awakes the sense of music, through sounding. Many of these order-followers, know only what they have been programmed, for their entire life spins around illusions nurtured into their hearts, while in their mind, were imprinted specific patterns to determine them to act accordingly with the given tasks or indications, which means, their rationality functions within the border lines given, like in a math equation where there are the limits imposed. When they encounter new information, which does not equate with the implemented program they follow, their mind automatically denies it, – thus, is irrelevant in even trying wake them up to a different wave-length, they are not tuned specifically to it, therefore, rejection. Even more, since their mind clings to the same pattern over and over again, they easy get trapped into a type of fanaticism, when exposed to the new, for they become the defenders of their own already-formed beliefs, regardless of what logic can say showing contrary, – they can’t accept the new, being anchored into what’s being imprinted. Even if someone would show them the level of programming that were subjected to, for which they to have such reactions – even leading further to violence, when insisting over the matter, becoming the protectors of their own – self – which dictates reactions, they will still be under the process of denial. Their perception of Reality, thus, is being distorted to different levels or degrees, due to a constant exposure to mind control techniques they can’t comprehend. It is pointless to even tell someone how its programming started since childhood, and to what level of exposure is routing, for doesn’t matter how smart is – functioning in appearance as normal – has altered its main perception, openness to the new being present as long as its mind encounters the same pattern to follow. It is in the same situation as with the fantasy in which people believe there was someone on the moon, and extra-terrestrial beings, space conquests, and so forth. Even the most scientific debate over these matters, although all these fantasies are rooted in pseudo-science twisted up to incredible paradoxical levels, becomes pointless.  It is simple: what does not fit the pattern, is thus rejected almost instantaneously. This level of programming was possible because since children, they were exposed to all these notions, and as more hit got the mind, imprinting the ideas, as more affected it became, like a clustering covering them, protecting them, and even in the case of being exposed to actual facts, the subject showing desire to counter, or to just attack, through all what will consider as normal reactions. Same process happens with the order-followers, although some of them realize that their actions or reactions are not right, or that is something that they shouldn’t do; some of them, therefore, are conscious upon the right or wrong situation, good or evil – and yet, they are still following the order; they may not have the courage to face the exponential perception to what is real, or they many not think farther upon consequences, or any other factors indicating their lack of potential to overcome a situation, thus one can say these ones are partially aware.”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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