Chapter I



“Most commonly, for the obedient ones, to raise their hands protesting against their rulers, as long as the bone is not thrown anymore to the barking dogs who cuddle each time when the masters arrive; when everyone seems to be satisfied, due to the entertainment industry keeping their minds bizzy with variety of topics upon their likeness, or making them running through advertisers with eyes glittering over what they can acquire more under the banner of consumerism, no protests at all, seen on horizon, so alike when the bone thrown to the pups keep them satisfied. That is how these generations were grown, speaking of modern countries, mainly European, with passing to American soil where “the land of the free and the brave” featured by plenty movies to catch the eyes of the crowds cheering their stars, into idolatry and any blind worshipping of deceit. They all grow in luxury. From there, all the obedience, going hand in hand with ignorance and lack of responsibility. Yet, the majority, wave their hands, in protesting over what the benevolent hand of the governance allows them to, thinking to the wide support to get into the common wealth of the people, whereas terms such as “for your safety” replenish the worldwide business with a type of legalized slavery, “for your future” comes along with the renunciation of born-rights in the favoritism of privilege given as long as compliance over what the govern dictates is right by the book of social engineering to follow, “for the common good” of majority, sacrifices must be made, starting from the money laundry industry featured throughout all the fields, administrative, territorial, under the clear supervision of the think-tanks with plans of ruling and conquering dating few centuries on the making and run schedule, and finishing with the endorsement of everything that is against Humanity, even with distortion on perceptions upon Reality. One should ask there in the crowds why they came to the permitted protest and how comes that’s being allowed; but there is nobody, or at least that is seems! – reasonable enough, nor to ask, nor to answer, for most of the people gathered there have no idea what’s happening with themselves, at least, to not talk anymore of what’s happening with the entire world, to what they are being exposed to, and where everything is going. It is like the same situation in which a crowd gathers to yell: “tyrants must go!” – that representing their idea of what a tyrant is or how a tyrant would look like, but under a particular interview, each of those present there, to be found guilty or responsible for such a treason, of even allowing a tyrant to rise on power, if not, somehow, among the questioned ones, to be found a tyrant in miniature, too, like a resemblance or a projection over the ones installed on power. Yet, the commoner, is not used to asking questions, especially when everything becomes more and more difficult to even perceive, or when the sense of normality being distorted into such way that when hit with the truth over what is clear, compared to what is muddy, confusion preceding the cause and the effect to take lead, under the process of denial of what is obvious and precise, while acceptance over what is generally, mainly, publicly accepted through the voting of majority, with decisive standards who rule or dictate what must be taken or thrown away as disregarded. But wherever is lack of responsibility, there, the commoner is in charge, for this way, one’s deeds have no repercussions on the surface that’s always looked like a reflection of the lake back to the observer. “Down with the tyrants!” would the crowd loudly express their will of justice being served, but none, among them, to ask them why they wouldn’t think to the idea that actually they deserve rulers upon the same measure as their deeds.”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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