Chapter I



“The world run by psychopaths actually resembles to the ones raising them: the perverted society. While people mumbling over the elites representing them by a hand of people, a tiny number among them, dictating the plans to globalization over a chess board, the general psychosis is spread from the top to bottom at regular basis. On a hand, the blind people support slavery by all means, starting with obedience towards the beset rulers, and all they can do is just chattering about like the barking dogs who aren’t taught yet to bite, just as the same animals at the zoo going on in circles wherever the pathetic visitors come to rejoice of their lack of natural freedom, making cheerful pictures, as if when sharing them on social networks to just boast themselves over what nicer instances they’ve got; but its strange, how much these plenty visitors resemble the caged animals, for they have their own cage, in wide open view, either be there in cosy places or wherever their standard intimacy indulge their sense of normality, or in a range of ensembles where the walls of concrete, iron and glass going trendy with the little black boxes where virtual life gets more interesting as day goes by with new features being added along the path of modern settlements, in the same fairy-land from which the illusions arise, in the promised dream of prosperity and tranquility. Indeed, much resemblance, one can find in everything what’s happening at the zoo, for as long as the people show up their wallets, the show goes on, – plenty varieties to be seen in a mimicry of natural environment where they supposed to grow up, as a replacement for the unhinged minds with a keen eye on observation. So alike, happens with the life of the commoners, from already superior beings – humans, by their nature – , devalued of reason, without any noticeable deeds of their existence except a moving forward in the fake evolution of monkeys gradually merging with machines. The loneliness is already felt among society, where the slavery thrives in all kinds and shapes, starting from things to buy with no real use than a temporary distraction for the mind, or things to eat in either abundance about to be wasted like in a feast, or just lacking the main resources, for a controlled economical degradation following the original plans of the benevolent hand of the state. Yet, no vacation seems to be enough for those who can afford it, as each spends time more and more in a delight of virtual life – such ambiguous term, as the word Life, its totally different! – or just working on an on, from one job, two, even three, just to maintain a fancy fantasy with a hope for the better. But the thing is that people have choices, therefore, they are the ones who safeguard the very System of control to which they are being indoctrinated since childhood, – they are the ones who give the born-rights in order to receive privileges from the enclave of the state of governance where laws are made over night and beset in order by the morning with no real regards to what Humanity is. They are the same people who point their hands over the elected ones among them who gradually became from servants of the public, their oppressors or better said, tyrants, – they are the same ones who praise one or another, as when the propaganda is in favor for one, all raise their hands in acceptance, while demonizing the other ones who don’t participate to the main scheme of right and left, – they are the ones who speak highly of whom supposed to lead them further in wars and misery, clinging either of a new idea concocted over a moment of enjoying the cup of coffee, tea, or the common, permitted joint, – and, in regards to the mass deceptions, the bigger the lies, the harder the truth, the easiest path to confusion working hand in hand with the vast amount of information, where obedience to any order in the detriment of mankind must be fulfilled, promptly, without a second though, and with no distinction to repercussions.”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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