Chapter I



“The total control over humans using advanced technology seems imminent, since people either willingly follow the lawlessness System, or, they are being coerced in assisting its development, – rightly said, contributing to the enslavement. It is hard for the commoners, to comprehend what is going on with themselves and with the world, and one who is aware of these facts, should have compassion towards their inability of perception, or of their cowardice in facing Reality, if not their ignorance or stubbornness in using the common sense of rationality, asking questions 1st of all and before all, about everything. But since they are trained since childhood in executing tasks, functions, orders, and beset with boundaries to which they should not cross over, it is quite normal that they will go with the flow, wherever the torrent leads them, they will find out, eventually. The thing is that for one who is aware of all these happening with the world, these extremes to which has to face them, either makes it stronger passing through the trials, either, damage it gradually until the point in which has to choose to align to the crowd and have even more conflicts, or, to isolate itself and fall in despair, if not worse. That is happening because once these things are being understood, one expects change around it, with even most good intentions upon the people, wanting them to taste the same freedom, but each time when facing opposition from the society who can not comprehend, becomes like a blow, under a failure; perhaps some of them, have too much expectations from themselves and from the world, that these can happen, – but certain fact is that once someone understands further, deepest of the things, can not be overwhelmed anymore, and quite contrary, all become natural, and one tasting freedom, spreads it around, without to bother around the fact that it comes like a wonder for some, while for others, inspiring fear. It is a wonder of the world, someone who understands humanity, because it is not affected by the torrents of the world, and stands like a rock within the waters, or like a fortress in the mountains where others find abode in harsh weather. While on the other hand, one other with the same ability of comprehension, inspires fear, around – which is natural too, for people are afraid of either what they can’t understand, or they are too trapped into the maze of illusions and when encounter someone who can pass through the veil, they become restless, stressed, and tried by envy, can even lead everything to violence and hate. Yet, one who comprehends the ways of the world, either is loved, either is hated, in equal or partial doses; but either way, it is one who’s awake; as more awake one is, as more understanding acquires upon the world, for it connects to all what is Knowledge. In the world of man, all and everything is Information, in a duality, under a principle of creation and a cyclic motion, closing with entropy, while following next in multiple weavings, passing through torrents, ascending, descending, centripetal and centrifugal, in some aspects, complementary, in a binding, while on the opposite direction and poles, merging with a principle of destruction; however, all at the surface is muddy, while on the depth, becomes clearer; the surface of what is Information is what the worldly spirit does with humans, where most of what is happening occurs without they being aware, while the depth of what is Information is the manifestation of the spirit of the world seen as an ensemble; while common people trapped in the maze of Illusion of Reality, share the main worldly perception – in a distortion, of course, upon the spinning of their lives and where fate resides, the other ones, such as elites, for example, although a different distortion, with the rooting of the same spirit, following different levels of perception, vastly superior.”

  • Shall be continued…

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