Chapter I



“While people being manipulated through social engineering into following the System which will enslave them more using advanced technology, one who is aware, departs slowly from this world, focusing on what’s beyond it. It means one strengthens its spirit throughout these trials, for its understanding develops as the inner will acquires endurance. The most adequate manner to deal with all the modern society issues, is to have patience. Patience, in a world where all have tendency to lose time for everything that’s futile, while in the rest, all to be in a hurry, their very life spinning around earthly things suppressing their vision upon what Life is all about. The commoners are well known for seeking comfort over their own bubble, in a mixture of egocentrism and diverse habits, where pleasures and desires play a significant role, to give them the impression that they are living the life as it is presented to them, or even seeking the feeling of being satisfied by acquiring things, often hunting down pride and fame, boasting over their conquests or possessions, and of course, dreaming for the better world. Yet, the world changes, once with technology, and on a side, crowds are happy or contended, mostly, through the entertainment industry who’s making sure that the pursuit of happiness and dreaming goes on with the flow of information, while on the other side, they are being manipulated into daily routine accompanied by the usual complains over what goes wrong within society boundaries, or just expressing their unsatisfied desires for the better, pointing out their hands to those considered responsible for the general failure. While technology is being gradually implemented into their life, they are being robbed of everything what knew as freedom. It is quite easily to notice, starting with the young generation, how they are walking like zombies staring to the black mirrors in their hands, and it is either like a radar who would point them where they have to go, or just a mean of distraction from everything what’s going on around them. Therefore, they are being trained into not being able to focus on what’s going on around them, while on the other hand, to find a refuge from the Reality that they can not face it, or to which they could not cope with, being pushed into lack of Reason, while being desensitized. Then, others are being seen going to a restaurant, but their eyes are still there on the black screens, awaiting a new like or a new view upon the content uploaded or just chit-chat in a loose, pointless for everything what means to be alive; others, going in a park, and although are together on the same bench, each of them is in their own mini-world there in the screens, in a distortion of everything what means to be human in enjoyment of life. Trained thus since childhood, to follow up a different reality which is illusion based, or to loose their common sense, while their brain to function only on imposed patterns, lacking of knowledge and mistaking it with information, they are deprived of perception, or better said, everything is being distorted, into their world, starting with language and finishing with emotions. While technology which is anyway, advanced already, under military supervision and secrecy, is given away, openly to the public, the generation is already trained into following up the requirements for integration, where the purpose is mainly, merging human with machines, into development of what they call it now by a new name, a transition period, to the digitalization of everything, the playing of scenarios being essential to the modern society. But one is aware to what kind of tyranny is the world being exposed, and knows to gradually step aside, little by little, being – and remaining – off grid, while the people, just go with the flow, as the old System being replaced with new norms till total control.”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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