Chapter I



“If barely found someone to really care about human nature at all, what to expect of the so-called civilized society, anyway?! The landlord, does not care from where all the bricks come, or how they are made. So like most of the people, living the futuristic dream coming true, if would be to count or track on something, they will mostly imagine that since all is mechanized and fully technological development, the workers just overwatch the machines, making all the hard jobs. They just can’t imagine a world in which some working like in medieval times, or they just can’t imagine a world in which people working like slaves or just replenishing the dreamed robots who just ease the task of mankind. Many people, nowadays, just exalted over the idea of such a progress, to invoke how the machines were invented to ease the worker’s jobs. Even more, among them, are to be found plenty who would even boast in vain over the technological progress, where the development – as they have seen in various presentations – is to such scale as all becomes easy in the world of man. Man invented the machine, saying it is to help him, but actually, it has proven the opposite. Man built the machine for more productivity, because of the greed. Modern man, was not satisfied with the efficacy of a simple worker, and invented the machine, to replenish the work force. Modern man, invented the methods of constraining people into work more faster, faster and faster and faster, and to process more and more amount of stuff. “Time is money” – they have said. Yet, less time to work, means faster working, but the thing is that if a man can make a brick faster, it is required from it to make more bricks – and if possible, to work as faster as possible, so that the efficacy to increase. Then comes the selection process, the employer must hold the right persons, who could process more bricks in less time. That would be more profitable, for the more bricks they can make in the working schedule, the more benefit the employer has. Then, of course, if it is possible, to find the right people, meaning, those who does not require much, for their work; the less one to be paid and the more efficacy might have.. well, that’s the right employee! Heh! Modernism! Modern men say: we invented the machine, because the employees, can not compete with it. The employer say: indeed, such a benefit, with such invention, because this machine can make bricks all day long, while the workers, have needs. This machine we invented, does not require much, than electricity, and look! It takes by itself all the ingredients, and mix them, and lay them on the mold and then can process so many bricks per hour! How much money, I would have to give to an employee who will come to carry the aggregates, how much, to the one with the molding, how much, to the one with the pallet, to clear the area for new processing? How many bricks can produce one person per hour, and how much I would have to pay it? How many workers, how much money?! I’ve got the right solution, now! Here is the machine who can work one hundred times faster and make thousands of bricks per day, all with the same quality, all in the same parameter, all deposited in the proper shape, and yeah, such investment! I have paid for this machine – calculated, an entire salary for twenty employees, for one year. But this machine, does the best job and actually, I will even buy more. More machines, more bricks; more bricks, more money; more money,.. well.. I will make a fortune, and expanding my company. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I understand, now. It is easy to understand. Human ego, to fuel human greed… “

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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