Chapter I



“There is the world which takes the little babies freedom away!” he deeply whispered, allowing me to know the grief behind the curtain of his amber eyes. I sighed. Sighing for knowing what truly lies into this world, what’s behind this glitter which charms my existence. There is no blue sky, above, it is just an illusion, a trick to the very eyes allowing themselves to immerse in the fields. The sky is gray. Deep gray. Only the light makes this change, this very turning of events, to allow my heart to sink into the shapes of an intelligent design. These very forms who mix like in a crucible, changing colors as they merge, spilling Harmony over entire earth, – why they are here for?! Why all these wonders of heavens, surrounding me and everyone else who has at least a moment of their life, to gaze to unmeasured beautiousness, – why my eyes catching such levels of depth into this refined detail in a permanent motion, – why here, why now, and what are these all, to me, to him, to everyone else out there to which his words never reach!?! What matters, all these, when Reality – or at least an aspect of it, hits you hardly, with a single blow shaking from the ground up everything you’ve imagined you built over years of living, to give you a bitter taste of what you are?! An empty corpse, walking around, either like a walking dead among the living ones, either like a living creature among the dead ones, either like a ghost haunting in vain over the earth, to just seek an abode for a restless soul.

If Freedom was given by God to the human being, what has come of this world?! The world sinks in madness, truly, to wake up sudden, one day, and be asked nicely: hey, stranger, what are you doing here, in our world?! It’s not mine, anymore, it’s theirs! Hey, stranger, what’s up with you, in this world?! You’re sudden, a freak, into their world, for it is theirs and theirs to rule. Hey, stranger, do you have a permit, to pass on?! You need a permit, to walk from a side to another, from a corner to another! And even so, you are only allowed to walk on the designed spots – only and only where the markers are, where the areas assigned for you to walk or sit are, and sudden, – sudden! You are called to the trial of recognition, if you are eligible of walking, or sitting, all over their places – they conquered fields, hills, mountains, rivers, – e.t.c. – end of thinking capacity – ! of this madness! Hey, stranger, you even have to pay, to be alive! Can everyone truly get it?! To pay, to even be alive! As if you aren’t. As if it isn’t enough, to just live. Every breath one takes, should be counted?! Every pulse of your being should be metered?! Every single thought you emite in time and space, has to be supervised?! I understand the tragedy of our times. Darkness rules over the earth, and the society become locked up in an asylum for healing, or in a worldwide prison for re-education!..”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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