Chapter I



“Freedom was given by God to the human being and society robs it away by deceit; a tyrant can’t thrive without the people who submit, and thus, society acts and behaves like the greatest tyrant of all, which concludes: if there must be really one in power to ruling state, that will act in behalf of society, empowered by it, through legislation and norms. To call upon a tyrant as an individual who rules without any pity, taking violence to mastery in different levels of evil, without to count the support of the masses in its reign, it’s invalid; but validity comes from deeper analysis upon the causes and effects in place, – the Cause – being, – as it was, is and will be – evil, transcending. In society, evil transcends in various ways, from individual, to collective; thus, a tyrant, can’t rise to power by itself, but it is brought in ruling state, by its followers, without to count who’s in favor of whom, or which is the purpose of bringing a tyrant in front of the crowds, to exercise power given, or which could be the actual mean by which one reach to such level of ruling, with and/or without people’s vote. There were tyrants which came to ruling state, by inheritance, while others, by merits or credits; few, indeed, exceptional people, gifted with abilities to move the hearts of the crowds, if not somehow, the noblesmen to propose such verdict of ruling, to sustain it fully, partially, or just temporary. Freedom, however, it is a right, a primary right that human being has, and sealed from God. If such right is taken away by society, or by those in charge of ruling over society, it is done by human will, therefore, all actions are against God who endowed man with free choice. That is actually the interesting part, regarding a human being: it has free will, and which means it will act according to its will; to take one freedom away, it is unlawful, regardless of what ruling state it must be or what type or form of legislation man proclaims. To take the freedom of a whole country or whole nation away, it is lawlessness taken to next level, such actions are against God. Whoever rules without God, it is the best tyrant – as proven by history; but also, cases where faith or belief was corrupted, and thus, the tyrant rising using the name of God, as a shield for its evilties. The freedom which God gave to mankind, is sealed by the soul that is carried into this world; any type, shape or form of deprivation of freedom is a direct attack against human soul  – which is the most expensive of all, even more expensive than the universe itself. Any lawlessness using God as a shield for proclaiming ruling over country/nation is the same as tyranny taken to next level, – but the tyrant although not exonerated by guilt, shares the same, with those who support it and feel empowered to rule, while those who comply, collaborate, promote or sustain by any means or forms its reign, share another blame. If God gave the human being free will, then one must know that giving freedom to one is a blessing, while taking freedom away to anyone, it is a curse, a damnation. Thus, society, acting in behalf of a tyrant, is inflicting the human soul, taking its freedom away and instead its original gift from the Creator, substitute it with a privilege. Therefore, in the world of man, freedom is given as a privilege, and it is well said from the mouth of a tyrant: in my world, you do not have rights, but only privileges.”

  • Shall be continued…

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