Chapter I



“I bless the tyrant because the society embrace the tyranny, fueling from its core; the same society develops the means of a tyrant, to rule, for it is the people themselves becoming like little tyrants, in some specific cases or designed parameters who will influence their decisions. Could everyone admit what truly happens in Reality, with the evidences laid plain on the table, just in case of not mistaking the earthly rulers with the same beasts placed behind bars, or rather not make the error of exonerating the guilt of the crowds behaving like something not resembling human nature, when comes about wars, revolutions, or times in which restrictions of all kinds leading to the same tyranny, by compliance of the masses?! Could anyone, at least, raise its hand up, and assume its responsibility for every single action taken, until present day, – ? – or to at least, admit, when evidences, facts, being brought in its sight, that had a major, minor, or tertiary role in such a society reshaped with new norms of living, so that human being born with a superior right to live its life in freedom of choice, of movement, of action, is nowadays robbed of all and everything that has, so that finally, made or turned into a modern slave, to receive the penalty: you have to pay, to be alive!. – ? – could anyone, at least, understand what I am implying?! These have to be addressed to the people, regardless of nation, color, social status, ranking. For each, indeed, has to answer, in separation of majority. But I do wonder, how many among them, would truly have an answer. Because all the evidences indicates how society fuels tyranny, as without the support of the masses by any means or purpose, a tyrant can’t reign. Without the reason to rule, or to conquer, if not the motive behind all these, one can not enforce tyranny. But tyranny is being enforced individually, as well as through mass participation. And I ask: does really people support a ruling state of law which they seem fit, or they are deceived, into supporting even the most bizarre legislative norms with infliction upon human nature itself?! Does really people sustain freedom, when aspects of the law itself harms the human being, – ? – or they are just searching in a dictionary upon the definition of freedom, and then compare it with causes and circumstances when all could be null and void; because from devoid, a sense, a meaning, becomes twisted, so like within a language, despite a common word, one gives a significance within text and context, while other, understand the means behind the wording, so as the principles through which a language is an expression of a whole nation, or even a root to understanding of the human being and the environment – the world has a meaning, therefore, without the word be called or written; why then, a law which inflicts human nature, is given, in the name of freedom, and when the letter of the law is applied, with a signature and a stamp, takes each one’s freedom, away?!”

  • Shall be continued…

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