Chapter I



“This world it is filled with wonders when the human being turns to God, and filled with deceit when the human being denies God its Creator, turning against Him, or when changes its nature upon earthly things, becoming slave of desires, partaking evilties and lawlessness, and therefore, one is to be advised that there are always choices, so as paths, to follow. To be trapped in a world of illusions, it means being bound or tied of earthly things, through the body, the mind, the heart, and the spirit – which is the soul; the human being is kept in the dark, away from the light, by itself, when does not know, when does not want, when does not care, – by others, resembling it, when it allows them, knowingly or when does not pay attention, when gets confused, complicit, or in blindness, deafness, ignorance, merciless, unforgiving, – by demons, when can not distinguish, disbelief, and sinning. In this world, I was born, and to each step I made, a teaching to be found, a meaning to be acquired, a trial to be taken, oscillating between truth and lie, good and evil, existence and nothingness. Oscillating in belief, in deeds, actions and reactions, learning my lessons upon my falls, changing pace and rhythm along this road of life, making turns or just stopping over the line, – and all these, consists in paths and choices. Such a long way, to Awareness! And only Reality, being the only cure, into the Realm, to be gradually discovered!.. So much Vanity, into this world! As more closer one gets to it, as many things have to endure, in sorrow, in pain, or sufferance, – if not, to just go with the flow, allowing more harm, to its being, sleeping or dreaming! It is so easy to neglect the soul, when sinning. It is so easy to get into oblivion, when departing from the truth, from the light, from life. It is so easy to pursue dreams of this world who will not last and it is so easy, so so easy, to perish!.. Yet, it is so hard to admit what was always obvious, into one’s sight, day by day, hour after hour, minute upon minute, second within second, until a split arise, to fill a being with love! It becomes then natural, to seek through the looking glass, distinguishing along this world of what is made of! Then, one becomes a living being, while until that very moment was just a walking dead…”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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