• Volume II

~ Harmonics of the soul ~




“Thy heart could nest my feelings?” – asked the Bard.

He was looking towards his beloved one, while caressing the finest threads of moist beams sliding across each touch resembling a key note piercing the thin foggy air of the morning. Each dew keeping inside a whole universe, to unravel, in foam and steam…

She just felt it, too, because all of sudden, the understanding of one’s emotions took place, wave after wave, sinking it deeper. Her hands made a cradle, around his neck, and dragging this very moment closer to her lips, answered in a soft kiss:

”Now rest, beloved…”

The right answer of the Muse was to hold him closer to her heart, to allow him resting under her ticking.

She echoes back to the one she deeply loves.”


“Harmonics of the soul”

* Treatise on Poetics and Versification *

2023 © Th3Mirr0r

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