Chapter I



“Most of the rulers, therefore, do not need intelligent people, for may overthrow them, in a way or another, or not follow their direction; especially the wise ones, are to be banished or abolished, even more than those who insurrect, for they are able to turn the crowds against their reign. More convenient to the rulers are the obedient ones with less capacity of thinking for themselves as possible; that is why, the crowds were always easy to control, whether that consisted into following directions, without questioning, or just being led into compliance, even using methods such as coercion, using constraining, compelling, propelling, extorting, up to more violent ones led to extreme – which leads to tyranny. But normally, the tyrants succeed in power and dominion for the mass compliance, all reaching being trapped in the same web in a way or another. Like-so, each little order-follower can become or act same like a little tyrant, too, obviously showing the capacity of the human to act against its own nature, or to act upon the will of the many, transgression of the same spirit of lawlessness regardless of state of mind or heart, rank, or placement in society. In a society ruled by lawlessness, the fair deal is partaking in crime, – which, of course, act like a binding of a whole; the sphere of influence is so large and widely spread, that even from those who vehemently oppose to the ruling state, breaking ranks and deliver further stupidity and madness. One can discern in what type of environment grew up and what were the steps of being connected to the world, either by social class, jobs undertaken, skills acquired, either by the level of awareness into discernment what is really going on into this world, what place has the general, main illusion of a futuristic world in which all and everything is connected; the same principle of oneness used in antiquity, in various circles of people, has been re-evaluated and reshaped into the new, modern society. In the name of progress and evolution, both the ruler and the subject, act as a whole – the deceit being this way shared in multiple directions. For the same progress which the modern man boasting with its inventions, the human experimentation was possible, so that being taken to the next level of madness, acquired by mass enslavement and murder. For the same evolution, the modern man became ruled by the things he possessed or acquired, regardless consequences of who lives or dies, in what way the natural balance is being disturbed and for how long the impact will be present. In a world where almost nobody takes responsibility for its own actions, there is no wonder how the lawlessness thrives. The rich becoming richer and the poor ones, becoming poorer. The division within society, by poor or rich, however, is the same. None of them attained its purpose of being here, and all degenerate in a type of chaotic environment in which each is either a prey, or a hunter…”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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