Chapter I



“When you just realize that you live in a world of lies and deceit, what you convey as truth, without reasoning its value or meaning, becomes irrelevant, to a degree. The entire world has been drastically changed, all becoming a large theatre in which the crowds embrace a role, given by their rulers who drag them in slavery by centuries, reshaping over and over again the scene. Once someone dares to face such challenge of truth, without to uphold a trial, discovers gradually a maze of illusions, which only Reality, can overcome it. Who could challenge the rulers behind the scenes, when crowds applaud their tyrants, or the hands that feeds them, regardless of ego or just their belly?! Who could challenge in a fair trial, the ones lurking in shadow, the masters and the puppeteers which nowadays by social engineering and think-tanks direct the path of the crowds? When one is being surrounded by a mob mentality, or by people reduced to numbers in a list of numbers, what can do about it – regardless of what truth represents?! World has been built on corpses, and skulls being crushed for less! World has been raised through spilling of the innocents blood witnessing empires to rise then fall, while death plowing the lands with the bones of the kings of the earth – mostly tyrants – and reseeding the weed growing to cover the obscure, darkness and evil of millennia. Century by century, new societies formed to accomplish their roles and tasks given by the oppressors – merely, pitiful creatures ranked as noble ones in feasting and dominion. All the heads who were placed for the crowds to worship, were the same idols of ancient times, but with new ways of conquering minds and hearts, new paths of proclaiming lawlessness and edification of sin as worthy to follow. One would be astounded to find out truths which can not be told without to deal with the consequences of even daring bring word about, but in the same time, be chained to a sufferance to discover its own kind, the human being, being caught in the same web dominating the times. Century after century of lies and deceit. All but theft, rape, and murder…”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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