Chapter I



“One by one, the bare words align in a short sentence, so they may have a meaning. But the meaning of a word is not the same such as of a letter; so alike, the meaning of a letter is approximately equal, in the languages of the earth, while the differentiation occurs when aligning them, to give a meaning, accordingly. The universal language, was, is, and will be two vowels: A and O. These are the very sounds which the newborn makes when reach into the world, opening wide its eyes who barely distinguish, throughout spatial reference in a division of light giving insight.

My hands may have written in a known language, for a variety of reasons. The difference between the spoken word and the one about to be carved on a piece of paper, it becomes obvious by a logical connection, when to analyze what occurs in both the aspects, each having their own property. However, between the emission of thought and the process of either a word be spoken or written, barely if there is something, to be distinguished. We could say all these are naturally occurring, such as the flow of water through the rocks, or just like in the vertical climbing made possible either by the soil aggregates, either, by the capillary of trees, – to which we could add a disturbance in the atmospheric patterns, such as an earthquake who could modify the parameters, or, a wind current blowing and making the water go upward over the cliff of a waterfall. In all these cases, changes are occurring naturally. Thus, the mind follows nature, so as the heart. That is when patterns of Equilibrium, are touched, the human being returning to the same vibration…”

  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r

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