EDELWEISS – “Beginning” – II




“I know the feeling of being alive. Divisions of glimpses within what is  Reality. I have known what means to be dead whilst alive, or to have the impression of living whilst actually dying. I have been acquainted with the feeling of illness in a world in which there is no cure, except Reality. But to embrace such a Reality which surpasses human knowledge, – what price, must be paid, really?! With what price, comes such an insight, so deep that you could not even find whom to share it with, or… if there would be someone, to make an equation like one in a billion?! To what range and to what extent, the radius of  circle, could expand, in further developing a spherical ensemble?! So alike, when you reach to a point in which understanding must be acquired in order to survive, but so cruel, so harsh, to realize, finally, that a dot – a simple dot, in time and space, becomes pointless if no meaning, if no reason, for its origin. For either the world is too big enough, either, it becomes smaller and smaller. Like the common saying with “nobody knows the truth because the truth is that nobody knows what truth really is” – but that is merely, an illusion of knowing, for this is particularity of how one perceives the notions. Within all these, Reality was, is and will be the same. One can not deny what’s obvious, without to live with the consequences of its own denial, and so forth, one can see, hear or feel whatever finds suitable, to its own benefit, without being concerned with what’s really going on far of its comfort zone, although will come the time to face everything when less expected, or just dealing with the facts at the right moment of time, in comprehension of Reality and its own role…

 The world looks different, in times of being alive. I’m asking myself: does really the parameters of life change the way one feels?! That’s because… there are, at some point, special circumstances, in which one, aware or not, finds it way back. Or, were my personal impressions?!.. No, that can’t be right. I can distinguish, within illusions, from time to time. The little I may know, but that’s enough. I ask, finally: what difference is found in one eye looking to the world, in one ear hearing in what consists the world, in one’s heart in order to perceive within the world?..”

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  • Shall be continued…

 2022 © Th3Mirr0r


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